Christchurch Creatives: Radler Tours

Christchurch Creatives: Radler Tours

One of the things I harp on about constantly is cycling. I've never particularly enjoyed cycling as a sport or a rigorous form of exercise. For me, it's a practical way to get around. In cities like Toronto and Stockholm, residents cycle almost year-round. Even a little bit of snow on the ground isn't much of a [...]

Hong Kong Happenings

Hong Kong Happenings

I had contemplated an extended layover in Hong Kong for awhile. However, with the Canadian dollar being so weak at the moment, I was initially apprehensive. After two weeks in Vietnam, Hong Kong's prices felt noticeably high. Fortunately, we were only there for a few days and managed to survive in a teeny tiny hotel room for four nights. [...]

Lilac Dreams

Lilac Dreams

My schedule has been pretty out of whack as of late, which partially explains the erratic blog posts. On the other hand, I really need to be more diligent in uploading regular content. In March, I'll be back to posting 2-3 times per week. Let me know if you enjoy the occasional outfit post. I know it's not [...]

Where To Holiday In New Zealand

Where To Holiday In New Zealand

It's no secret that I love New Zealand, a country I've decided to call home. I've talked (and blogged) about it on countless occasions, but have yet to disclose my favourite holiday destination. Despite living in Auckland for three years, I've always been captivated by the South Island. Its geography changes so rapidly and dramatically; one minute you're driving through [...]

5 Reasons To Visit Auckland Now

5 Reasons To Visit Auckland Now

Auckland is consistently ranked as one of the best places to live in the world. Despite being a relatively large city with 1.5 million residents, it feels more relaxed and slower paced than international cities like London, Hong Kong or New York. It seems like Aucklanders genuinely enjoy themselves and have established the perfect work-life balance. If [...]

Christchurch Creatives: SPECTRUM

Christchurch Creatives: SPECTRUM

While graffiti and street art have a bad reputation, they also have the power to transform cities and neighbourhoods, expose social woes, start important discussions, and bring art to the masses. The likes of Banksy, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Shepard Fairey have challenged our idea of what constitutes street art. Why should art be reserved for galleries and [...]