See you in Sydney

See you in Sydney

This week is Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Sydney, one of the most magical fashion events in the Southern Hemisphere. While I can't sneak away to Oz until Friday, they've extended the event to include weekend shows, talks and events. Pretty cool, right? My friend Robyn of Anywhere I Roam arrived in Sydney yesterday and will be taking photos [...]

Time to Celebrate

Time to Celebrate

Despite what seems like perpetual darkness,  (sun, where have you gone?) May has been a dreamy month so far. On top of starting a new job and taking on some exciting blog/side projects, I've now been granted New Zealand residency. Believe me, it didn't come without several hiccups along the way. With so much happening, [...]

Beyond the Rubble

Beyond the Rubble

In Toronto, I was all about finding interesting walls, often returning to Graffiti Alley for inspiration. Street art in Christchurch has become somewhat of a symbol and has come to represent the city in more ways than anyone could've ever imagined. Constantly changing, I'm delighted whenever a new piece or installation crops up. As an integral [...]