Bangkok City Guide

Bangkok City Guide

This is a guest post by my sister, Natalie. She's the photographer of our family and the most well-travelled person I know. She's currently exploring Southeast Asia, so I asked her to write a bit about what she's been up to. Southeast Asia travel is so popular right now and many travellers start their adventures [...]

Hello Christchurch!

Hello Christchurch!

As you may know, I recently relocated to Christchurch, New Zealand and have been exploring the various neighbourhoods that comprise the garden city. In many ways, Christchurch is almost unrecognizable from its prior self. With whole blocks completely wiped out by the earthquakes, the city is disorientating even for those who've spent their whole lives here. While there's [...]

Vancouver City Guide

Vancouver City Guide

Don't shoot me for saying this, but Vancouver and I didn't hit it off right away. The perpetual grey skies were somewhat of a deterrent despite having visited Vancouver on unexpectedly sunny days. Regardless of our previous differences, I fell in love with Vancouver on my most recent visit. I was fortunate to stay with [...]