Let’s Go To Glasgow

Let’s Go To Glasgow

Are you ready for another city guide? Let's explore Glasgow, Scotland's biggest and most boisterous city. Historically a working class city, Glasgow's population grew rapidly during the 19th century. As a result, there's a mix of 19th century Victorian architecture, early 20th century 'Glasgow Style' Mackintosh-designed buildings in addition to modern edifices. This impressive combination [...]

The Edinburgh Edit

The Edinburgh Edit

Edinburgh is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities I've ever visited. With its cobblestoned streets and perfectly intact medieval architecture, it's worth a visit based on looks alone. On my recent trip, I spent a lot of time looking up, mesmerized by the buildings and the views from every angle. A trip to Edinburgh [...]

The Rainy Day Edit

The Rainy Day Edit

Christchurch isn't a particularly rainy city. Sure, there are weeks where we barely see the sun, but generally it's pretty nice. That said, there's something a bit exciting about having a few wardrobe items you look forward to pulling out on those less than ideal days. Further to that, I love having activities up my [...]

NZFW 2018 Diary

NZFW 2018 Diary

Although I was planning on taking it easy this year at New Zealand Fashion Week, that's not exactly how things played out... I've attended the past three NZFWs, as well as a few overseas in Sydney and Toronto. But this was the first year I've been self-employed and haven't had to take time off work! [...]